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Have you lost your voice, … however not by being startled?


Aphonia is a temporary or permanent loss of voice. The temporary type may be caused by an excessive use of voice, as in singers or speakers that have had to talk for an extended amount of time. This is often referred to as ‘clergyman’ hoarseness, in reference to the vicar of a village who would commonly contract this ‘sore throat’ following his Sunday sermon at Church. This Aphonia may involve the entire throat, larynx and vocal cords. It is an overuse trauma to the area.


Aphonia may however, also be the consequence of a cold, or of an inflammation of the larynx, and it may also be functional. In the latter case this occurs where nervous individuals are agitated and worried about having to speak in public, or before a large crowd, for example. They cannot appease their mind, and find they have lost their voice due to their fear of speaking. This form of Aphonia requires a different treatment approach to the one described below. It´s the anxiety and fear of speaking that have to be treated in such cases.


The permanent Aphonia is usually not treatable with medications alone. This type of hoarseness results from damage to the larynx and/or the vocal cords. Such Aphonia usually requires surgery.


In the event of an acute temporary Aphonia it is paramount to avoid straining and irritating the larynx and vocal cords further. Avoiding talk and allowing the throat to rest are the key aspects to attain rapid recovery. Beyond that, there is homeopathy to assist healing of the traumatized throat.


Some remedies are:

Aconite: This is indicated for the sudden onset, the acute inflammation of the larynx. A further indication is getting Aphonia from the exposure to cold wind.


Argentum nitricum: In professional singers or speakers this remedy is frequently called for. There is hoarseness and a complete loss of voice.


Arum triphyllum: Holding a speech, or speaking for an extended amount of time cause this Aphonia. There is hoarseness and a sensation of rawness in the throat.


Belladonna: A sore feeling and dryness are indicators for this remedy. Swallowing is painful to the patient.


Causticum: Coughing and dryness in singers or speakers are indicative of this remedy. A painful feeling of soreness is felt in the larynx.


Hepar sulphuricum: The accumulation of mucus accompanies this hoarseness. Coughing and dyspnea are aggravated by the exposure to cold.


Phosphorus: This remedy has soreness in the larynx and a dry throat accompanying the Aphonia. The dry cough is further aggravated by cold and speaking.





Adams, M. (1913) A practical guide to homeopathic treatment Philadelphia: Boericke & Tafel.

Morrison, R. (1995) Handbuch der homöopatischen Leitsymptome und Bestätigungssymptome Groß Wittensee: Kai Kröger Verlag.