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If you have been out in the sun for too long, have been exercising in a hot environment, your body may overheat! A prolonged exposure to high temperatures can make you run at risk of suffering of a sun- or heat-stroke. In the event of a heat stroke, internal organs (brain, heart, kidneys & muscles) can be damaged. Therefore this acute heat injury should not be taken lightly! Heat- or sun-stroke is considered a medical emergency! Do not hesitate to visit A&E or call an ambulance!

Someone suffering such stroke may show initial symptoms such as throbbing headaches, and dizziness. There may be exhaustion, fainting, confusion, nausea, and even seizures. Heartbeat and breathing may be abnormally increased. Someone suffering a sunstroke does not normally sweat. The skin is dry and hot. This may be due to dehydration. Drinking too little water in a hot environment can cause the bodies very own cooling-system to break down.

The bodies core temperature in such cases usually exceeds 40 degrees Celsius.

1st aid in the case of sunstroke

The individual suffering of a heat stroke must immediately be taken out of the hot or sunny environment! He or she must be kept cool. Fanning fresh air, watering the skin, and applying ice packs to the neck, back, armpits and groin can alleviate and reduce the increased body temperature. An ice bath or cold shower may also be helpful!

Prevention is priority

* If its hot, stay inside! If you must go outside:

* Stay hydrated! In hot temperatures your body loses its hydration by sweating, therefore KEEP DRINKING! Your urine colour may be an indicator if you are well hydrated or not. The darker the urine, the more you should drink! A light coloured urine is the sign that you are keeping well hydrated!

*Avoid physical exercise, or outside activities in the peak hot times during the day! Stay clear of sun & heat between 11am. & 3pm..

Homeopathic remedies to the rescue

Aconite: All sudden, acute affections respond to Aconite. This will calm the patient, will remove restlessness & anxiety!

Arnica: High temperature with redness of head, but coldness of body. Vertigo. Pulse variable.

Arsenicum: Debility, exhaustion, confusion, faintness & spasms call for this remedy.

Belladonna: Heat & pulsation in the head, burning. Pulse altered. Palpitations. Sudden onset. Spasms, vertigo, throbbing. Ill-effects of sun.

Camphor: Treats states of collapse. Pulse weak & small. Convulsions & Spasms. Vertigo, fainting. Vitality is diminishing.

Carbo veg.: Worn out, vital power diminished due to loss of body fluid (dehydration). Pulse feeble, almost imperceptible. Patient is breathing heavily.

Gelsemium: Headache from exposure to sun. Dizziness, drowsiness & trembling. Slow pulse, palpitations.

Glonoine: Pulsation, convulsions, dizziness. Confusion. Irregularities of blood circulation. Palpitation with dyspnoea. Pulse low &feeble. Paleness during heat. Nausea.

Lachesis: Headaches from sun. Paleness. Arrhythmia. Vertigo. Faintness.

Natrium carb.: Exhaustion. Vertigo. Headache. Debility. Inability to think.

Natrium mur.: Throbbing. Headache semi-lateral with congestion, as of multiple hammers. Debility. Heart fluttering with intermittent pulse. Palpitation that can be violent.


Clark, J. (2014). Materia Medica [online] last accessed 16 May 2014, available at: http://www.materiamedica.info/en/materia-medica/john-henry-clarke/index

Boerike, W. (2000). Homoeopathic Materia Medica [online] last accessed 16 May 2014, available at: http://www.homeoint.org/books/boericmm/index.htm